Chapter 1 Opening Remarks

smplot2’s key contributions are shortcut functions that generate elegant plots, which are aesthetically appropriate for the format of scientific journals, and key functions that can create and annotate a composite figure (subplotting), the latter of which is described in Chapter 7 in detail.

1.1 How to read this book

If you are a proficient R user, I suggest that you read Chapters 7, 11 and 12 because all the preceding sections incorporate contents about basics of R.

If you are a smplot user, you can either use its tutorial website ( and continue to use smplot or modify your codes so that it works with smplot2. If you decide to use smplot2, I suggest you that you delete smplot. Also, I suggest that you read Chapters 11 (especially the sub-section: How ... parameter and xxx.params work) and 12 to understand the changes that have been made to the new package rather than to read the book from the beginning.


If you are a newcomer, then you can just start reading from the next chapter.